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Ohio woman stabs 3-year-old to death in random attack at US grocery store | VIDEO



Ohio woman stabs 3-year-old to death in random attack at US grocery store | VIDEO

A woman allegedly stabbed a three-year-old to death outside a grocery store in Ohio. The woman allegedly attacked the toddler and his mother with two knives. 

A woman allegedly stabbed a three-year-old to death outside a grocery store in Ohio. The woman allegedly attacked the toddler and his mother with two knives. The Ohio Police have termed it a “random attack”. The attack occurred at the parking lot of Giant Eagle in North Olmsted on June 10.

Accused Bionca Ellis stabbed the child as he sat in the shopping cart. As the mother tried to protect her child, Bionca stabbed her too. While the mother survived the attack, the child succumbed to the injuries. A CCTV footage from the area shows Bionca stealing 2 knives from America Thrift Store.

After stealing the knives, Bionca followed the woman & attacked them in the parking lot. While appearing at the court, Bionca was seen smirking and smiling. Bionca has been charged with murder with a bail bond set at $5 million.

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