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US$2.3 billion for Ecuador infrastructure projects



US.3 billion for Ecuador infrastructure projects

Seven transport infrastructure projects are planned in Ecuador with a total value of US$2.3 billion. The development programme is being panned by the Ecuador Government. International investors are being sought to help provide the necessary financial backing. Ecuador’s road network will benefit massively from the work.

Six road projects are planned for the programme. These are the link from Manta to Quevedo, the link between Pifo and Y de Baeza, the road connecting Montecristi with La Cadena, the section from Loja to Catamayo, the stretch between Bahia and Cojimies, and the road joining Ambato with Puyo. The seventh project is for upgrade work to the port of Esmeraldas.

The projects will be carried out under the PPP model. Bidding for two of the projects will commence in 2024.

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